Hey, It's Jade! and family

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday: Lip Balm Junkie #2

Thankfully, he doesn't eat it!
The first thing Callen does upon entering my bathroom is go directly to the drawer, open it, and find a tube of lip balm ('cause there's only, like, a dozen of them in there, ha!).  He then, of course, applies it.  Over.  And over.  And over.  But, at least he doesn't eat it.  He also often digs in the pocket of my jeans when I least expect it to find the one I happen to be carrying with me at the time.  And if you dare pull out your lip balm, you better be willing to give him some too.  Or else.  I mean, I really don't know where he gets it from.  Ok.  Yes, I do.  Guilty as charged.

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