Hey, It's Jade! and family

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Callen's First Three Months (In Tweets)...

Three months old today!

Another thing I wanted to do since Callen's birth is record some of my favorite tweets here (not all of them obviously, that would be ridiculous).  It's kinda hard to go back and read tweets (they haven't come up with a way to look back at certain dates or anything, that I know of anyway), and I wanted to be able to remember what I was tweeting about.  Gonna try to do this on a monthly basis, but for now I'm going back nearly THREE MONTHS!  Whoa.  Here we go...

Mar 9th, 1:28pm - Looks like we will be going in for induction tonite at 6pm. Nothing is going as planned... but I know God's plans are bigger!

Mar 9th, 3:13pm - http://twitpic.com/17l7zf - My sweet P picked me dandelions!

Mar 9th, 7:04pm -
Chickfila nuggets on the way to the hospital... Sounded good, we'll see if I regret it later.

Mar 10th, 7:19am -
Callen Levi Clark. 8lbs 5oz. 20in. 5:56am

Mar 10th, 1:02pm -
http://twitpic.com/17r6s9 - Um... Awkward. Men at work right at my hospital window.

Mar 10th, 8:22pm -
http://twitpic.com/17tte9 - Hanging out w/this happy boy is nice.

Mar 13th, 1:03pm -
I have sonssss, thats so strange to say! Haha. Loving it so far, though.

Mar 16th, 12:47pm -
Oh crap, I haven't re-watched last week's #LOST yet & it's back on tonite.. this baby stuff is getting in the way of my tv watching!

Mar 19yh, 12:19pm -
Tired, grumpy mama w/a loud, hyper 4-yr-old & a sleepy, poopy 1-wk-old. Beautiful.

Mar 19th, 10:55pm -
Caught up on some stuff, watched the boys play Wii, got pooped on... now THIS is a rockin' Friday nite. Wouldn't trade it for anything.

Mar 21st, 11:11am -
There's snow on the ground outside & one kid refuses to wear a shirt, the other refuses to keep pants on. Good thing it's toasty inside!

Mar 22nd, 12:22pm -
http://twitpic.com/1aa0aj - Letting him dress himself means allowing the sweat pants.

Mar 22nd, 2:02pm -
http://twitpic.com/1aae1w - Came inside from the sunshine, eyeballs trying to adjust. Heehee.

Mar 23rd, 1:02pm -
has a cordless baby. They grow up so fast!

Mar 24th, 12:02pm -
Running errands w/a sleeping newborn is a million times easier than running errands w/a sleeping newborn & a rambunctious 4 yr old.

Mar 26th, 7:31pm -
Bfing is worth it! Bfing is worth it! I'll just keep telling myself that until this clogged duct lets loose or I die first.

Mar 26th, 8:57pm -
http://twitpic.com/1b5fak - Asked Michael to get something chocolate at the store. I love him!

Mar 28th, 8:27pm -
So, the first two weeks were a fluke 'cuz the last half of this week has shown me that having two kids is freakin' hard!

Mar 30th, 8:40pm -
Why does the fat guy yelling 'Eat it, Yoshi!' at the end of that commercial make me laugh EVERY TIME?

Mar 31st, 10:06am -
http://twitpic.com/1c6ph5 - Callen is three weeks old today!

Apr 7th, 10:43am -
Dear Coffee, you are the wind beneath my wings! Shout out to Senseo and @Coffee_Mate, because without you, I wouldn't be me.

Apr 13th, 6:49pm -
Listening to my husband whistle the Star Wars theme to get Callen the rest of the way asleep. It's totally working!

Apr 15th, 2:17pm -
Its all fun & games at the park... till Preston hits another kid in the head with a rock. Sigh.

Apr 18th, 2:34pm -
OMGosh, why can't they make mall bathrooms conveniently located? Seriously!? Why are they always so obscure?

Apr 20th, 11:41am -
I have taken up calling my child 'Calendar'... I guess it's better (& makes more sense) than Blanket.

Apr 21st, 1:40pm -
Successful outing w/both boys that included 5 stops & no yelling/crying from any of us! #BabyBookEntryWorthy

Apr 28th, 1:31pm -
http://twitpic.com/1j5mil - Fun painting time makes for messy feet!

Apr 29th, 8:51am -
Preston is still sleeping, Callen is cooing at his bunny & I am enjoying a cup of coffee, windows open, cool breeze blowing in. Lovely.

Apr 29, 2:39pm -
Co-sleeping with an infant is crippling me & having a 4yr-old that hates naps is killing me. Again, I say they're plotting against me.

May 3rd, 10:50am -
Preston is telling ME Bible stories! I love that!

May 6th, 1:03pm -
If it means putting the baby down or even sitting down w/him, it can't be done

May 7th, 10:42pm -
OMGosh, such sweetness! My Preston was staring at me & then said "I just like looking at your face, it's so pretty!" Awww!

May 10th, 10:59am -
2 months old, he's a little nervous about it. http://twitpic.com/1mptjd

May 10th, 11:31am -
This isn't just any 'ole Monday. This is my first Monday as a Stay-At-Home-Mom (the last 2 months of Mondays were maternity leave).

May 10th, 6:43pm -
Enjoying dinner at Texas De Brazil... Holy moo cows!

May 11th, 9:43pm -
Callen's 2 mth check up: 10lbs, 4oz and 22.5in.

May 12th, 10:39pm -
How come everytime I give it over to God, I take it right back so I can worry over it some more? #faithFAIL

May 14th, 12:26am -
Ladies & Gentlemen, here is my 5,000th tweet. And... it's completely lame. DANG IT!

May 17th, 10:07am -
I love watching Callen 'talk' to his Bunny Friend, it's so stinkin' cute!

May 17th, 2:20pm -
Random: Preston just gave a puppy sticker to Wayne Watson. Haha!

May 21st, 2:04pm -
My son is using the phrase "your head" properly against me. I knew this day would come. MyHeadIsDefeated.

May 21st, 7:13pm -
Eeek, Email's getting married!

May 21st, 8:56pm -
Fun wedding, happy couple & nice to see my @PowerFM peeps outside of the station! Did I just say 'peeps'?

May 22nd, 3:48pm -
Visiting & comparing geneology notes w/my 2nd cousin once removed up in Sherman. Well, Michael is... P, C & I are watching Enchanted.

May 23rd, 10:38pm -
RT @leviweaver: Me, an hour ago: "I wonder how I'll keep from crying at the end of LOST?" Me, in the last 10 minutes: "Oh. THAT'S how."

May 24th, 10:15am -
Everyone's "boo Monday"-ish posts make me smile & make me thankful for my current situation (sitting here holding Callen) God is Good!

May 25th, 1:55pm -
Preston is signed up for swim lessons for June, and in August we're probably doing (indoor) soccer! Woo, where's my mini-van?!?

May 25th, 8:55pm -
OMGOSH! Callen's bottom exploded & it was so loud it scared me, I literally jumped! We were cooing & cuddling, then KABOOM! LOL! #TMI?

May 26th, 12:05pm -
Got him to focus enough to write all his letters in a row! Woo! http://twitpic.com/1raign

May 30th, 9:00pm -
Preston realized he can now open the cabinets that are "child-proofed"! #NotABabyAnymore

May 31st, 11:04am -
After a million years, there are only 5 episodes of Sesame Street that they air? #FreakinRerunsDriveMeCrazy #PBSFail

May 31st, 11:55pm -
Why is going to bed so hard for a kid? I mean, like, makes-Mama-lose-the-fruit-of-The-Spirit-hard?!?!? Sigh.

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