Hey, It's Jade! and family

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Not Back to School Blog Hop: Student Photo Week

While we aren't starting our "school year" until September, I let Preston pose with his "First Grader" sign* anyway.
"I'm a First Grader!"
Preston is 5 years old, and will be 6 in December.  So, technically (according to public school standards), he should be going into Kindergarten this year... but he was reading by 4 and when I went over all the Pre-K stuff we would cover last year, he had it all down already.  No use boring him, so we moved up to Kindergarten (one of the many beauties of homeschool!).  So, here we are... First Grade!  Wow. 

Little Brother!
Callen will be 18-months old when we start school in a few weeks.  Last year he was great about hanging out in his high-chair or sleeping a lot through the day so he wasn't much distraction.  This year, though... oh boy, we're gonna be in for it!  He is not content to sit still for very long, and he wants to be ON the table when we're sitting at it... definitely gonna be a new experience trying to keep a little one wrangled and a bigger one focused.  I don't know how all of you homeschool moms of 10 do it (major props to you!).  I want to do fun, educational activities with him as well, so hopefully I can find my groove!

So, there you have it... my students:
Visit more of the fun "Student Photo Week" posts from all the amazing homeschool bloggers taking part in the Not Back to School Blog Hop, hosted by Heart Of the Matter Online.

My "School Room" post.
My Curriculum post.

*The First Grade sign came from here, she has one for most grades... super cute!


April said...

I've got a 5 almost 6 year old in the same situation and we're doing first too. I also have a little one that will be 18 months old in September so we really need to keep in touch! I also have a Preschooler sandwiched in the middle. Cute kids and I like those signs. I didn't get my act together to get their pictures done but I think I'd like to wait til fall anyway.

Pam said...

Cute pic's of the kiddo's!

Jen @ Gricefully Homeschooling said...

That's what is SO great about homeschooling, you can work on any grade material you want...tailor the learning material to the child and not their "grade" or age. I have very advanced readers but one struggles with math. She will be going into the 9th grade even though she is 15 and reads at a college level. We are doing Saxon 8/7 over the summer and trying Algebra 1, AGAIN, next month. I hope you have a great year! =)

KarenW said...

Aww! They are great pictures. Yes, those little ones do present a challenge. But you can do it!

Kattie said...

Hi! I am co-hosting the My Father's World Homeschool Highlights this school year with Kathi @ A Heart Like Water. This is where MFW families connect weekly, or as often as you like, to share what we are doing in our schools. The first one is Aug 25, the info is on my blog. I hope you join us!


ps: We had a great time with MFW first last year. I hope you have a great year!