Hey, It's Jade! and family

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Giveaway on 17Sirens.com...

Aly, over at 17sirens.com, wrote a review of "That's Not My Teddy!" and is also giving away that same book!  Check out what she has to say about my business, see adorable pictures of her baby and the book in action, and enter the giveaway, which ends on October 20th, by clicking here.

*I sent Aly a copy of "That's Not My Teddy!" to use for review and am sending the winner a copy of the book as well!

P.S. I have created a Book Blog, which highlights what's going on with my Usborne business - like where I'll be around the Metroplex, book specials, book reviews, etc.  Check it out: HeyJadeBooks.Blogspot.com

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