Hey, It's Jade! and family

Thursday, March 1, 2012

February 2012 Tweets to Remember...

Feb 1st - Using my 8,000th tweet to say something deeply profound:

Feb 3rd - Snuggle time with BOTH my boys this morning.Yay for 6yr olds who still like to snuggle! Yay for nearly-2yr olds who stay still for a min!

Feb 3rd - Skyping with Gma & Gpa Clark in Michigan!

Feb 6th - [Rant] People, answer your phone! Or return a voicemail, fb message, email, text, smoke signal or acknowledge my existence. [/Rant]

Feb 8th - Praise God, we have a brand new white Kia Soul!

Feb 10th - Love it when my baby kid wants to snuggle in my bed and we end up sleeping for another 2 hours! Wow!

Feb 10th - My Friday nite = baking, printing, cutting, bathing 2 boys, listening to Veggietales on cassette. I'm a rockstar, don't ya know?

Feb 12th - Oh, friends, it's been so long! Nomz!

Feb 12th - Snoooowwwww!

Feb 17th - Thanks to a middle-of-the-nite visit to the ER, we have now experienced croup. Or at least Preston has.

Feb 18th - Just performed the entire soundtrack to Singin' In the Rain in my kitchen. Callen yelled, "More!" Yeah, I'm that good.

Feb 19th - Cocoa, animal crackers & OC Supertones Pandora station, also feat. FIF, RelientK, Insyderz, etc equals Sunday Night Awesomeness.

Feb 23rd - Happiness is a warm, sleepy toddler saying, "Mornin' Mama" and giving a big hug! :::swoon:::

Feb 27th - Finally took down my 'Let it Snow' and Winter-ish front door decor. It obviously ain't happening in Texas, we skipped right to Spring.

Feb 28th - Praising Jesus for His provision! One of these days I'll learn not to doubt. Thankful He gives me grace when I fail.

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