Hey, It's Jade! and family

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Praising God for Our New Van!

Filling her up for the first time.  Yikes!
After nearly two years of being a one-car family, we now have two cars again!  I got a 1997 Honda Odyssey!!!  It's runs great, handles well, only needs a few minor things worked on and has a bit of cosmetic distress (the hood is all primer, I think) and the inside is rather nasty right now... but all in all, it's AWESOME!!!  And, best of all, it was in our extremely limited price range!  :::doing a happy dance:::

I know that not having a second car was certainly a "first world problem" to have, but the freedom of just knowing I can take the kids to the doctor without having to track down a ride or inconvenience other people is such a relief!  I can run to the store whenever I need to, don't have wait 4 days till I'll have access to a vehicle.  We can go on field trips and drive across town to visit grandma without making her come to us all the time.  I'm so excited!!!  Thank You, Jesus, for Your blessings!!!


Jamie said...

I'm so so happy for you!!! You must feel so relieved!! Yay for His blessings!

ChicSassyMom said...

Oh! So happy for your blessing. God is good, all the time. :) Best Regards!

Des of chicsassymom.com

Anonymous said...

Stopping by from the FRIDAY BLOG AND GOOGLE + HOP! http://queenofsavings.com

David and April Vinson said...

Yay!!! HURRAY! I'm so happy! What an answer to prayer! FREEDOM!!! ;) (and space too!!)