Hey, It's Jade! and family

Thursday, July 1, 2010

June Tweets to Remember...

Jun 1st, 9:12am - Normal ppl get cricks in their neck from sleeping wrong, my jaw dislodges... what? Can't get it back right either, its been 2 days now.

Jun 3rd, 2:03pm -
Oh man, we are in trouble now. http://twitpic.com/1tlzkg

Jun 5th, 12:23pm -
I love the diversity of my friends! I don't even mean race... I mean personalities, lifestyles, experience, etc. You guys are greatness!

Jun 5th, 9:08pm -
I learned something today. 90degrees at 8:30pm is so much better than 90degrees at 8:30am. This evening's walk to the park wasn't death.

Jun 5th, 9:35pm -
Nashvillians? Nashvillengers? Nashvegans? Yeah... I dunno.

Jun 5th, 11:55pm -
Aww, just heard Preston say "You're the best, Dad!" to @mclarko 'cuz he's helping him get ready for bed (he's usually not here for this).

Jun 6th, 4:36pm -
There just aren't enough hours in the day. There's also not enough energy in me, either, so I guess it evens out.

Jun 6th, 11:00pm -
Preston was helping me put the sprinkler out & he goes "Oh no, a kink! KINKA-CHUUUU!" I probably woke up my neighbors with my LOL!

Jun 7th, 11:29pm -
Apparently making your kid go to bed makes you a "meany-head." Preston Naughty-head + Callen Screamy-head = Mommy Meany-head.

Jun 8th, 6:45pm - Introducing Preston to the Lego Store! He's happy! http://twitpic.com/1v4rl2

Jun 8th, 9:13pm -
Not even three months old, but he burps like a MANNN! Whew, boy.

Jun 9th, 9:09am -
You know what I miss? Being stuck on Loop12 every morning. NOTTT! Bahahahah! Yay SAHM-hood!
Jun 10th, 1:26am - I made a mistake. I watched the pilot of Life Unexpected & I kinda liked it. Shiri's character is a radio jock! But... it's a CW show.
Jun 10th, 9:02am - Dear Lord, can there be significantly less poop today? That'd be a big help. Thanks.
Jun 10th, 11:21am -
Callen is three months old today! http://twitpic.com/1vk1g4

Jun 12th, 12:21pm - Preston saw a limo and said 'That guy must have a lot of kids!'

Jun 13th, 6:39pm -
Big plans for this evening: reading some books, puppet show, chalking on the driveway (when it cools down) & making cookies! Party on!

Jun 14th, 11:55am -
My child is nothing like me, he just asked if he could PLEASE do some math!

Jun 14th, 2:57pm - Next time I wanna take Preston to something fun remind me a) its too hot even if it is inside & b) he won't appreciate it anyway.

Jun 14th, 7:11pm -
Due to the fact that it seems like someone in this house (besides me) is always asleep, I'm pretty sure I've run out of "shhh."

Jun 15th, 10:14am -
Geez, could they be any sweeter? http://twitpic.com/1x0d59

Jun 16th, 10:21am -
Nothing a little waffles & turkey bacon can't fix. Oh, and coffee... a GIANT cup of coffee, of course!

Jun 16th, 11pm -
I hate that teaching my kid a lesson in consequences usually means missing out on stuff I wanna do too. #NoFunForAnyone

Jun 17th, 8:34am - Callen slept for 7-hours straight, a new record!

Jun 17th, 2:21pm -
OMG! Preston put himself to bed for naptime... we are freakin' going to the water park EVERY morning if that's what it takes!

Jun 19th, 10:33am -
has such seriously amazing & talented friends! You guys make me sick! Ok, just kidding, you make me proud to know you!

Jun 20, 4:22pm -
"You gonna pull them pistols, or whistle Dixie?" Finally got @mclarko to watch Josey Wales. Haha!

Jun 20, 9:29pm -
Around 4:30 this morning I went to get Callen for a feeding and he was on his back - I always put him to bed on his belly - he rolled over!!

Jun 23rd, 11:22pm -
Haha, I love my boys! http://twitpic.com/1zfblz

Jun 24th, 8:29pm -
Keep your wine & cheese... gimme Dr Pepper & chocolate!

Jun 27th - 12:53pm -
I have a very happy baby... probably because he's barfed on me, then pooped on me... twice. As long as he's happy...

Jun 28th, 9:48am -
Totally got fired from my work-at-home-job. Wow, never been fired before, but to get fired from a job at home? Ouch!

Jun 29th, 12:54am -
Got an old AudioA cover of a Petra song stuck in my head! "Taste & see that the Lord is good, He's got milk & honey for you! Come & dine..."
Jun 29th, 2:57pm -
Preston did soooooo good at swim class today! Paid attention, followed instructions & SWAM! So proud of him!

Jun 29th, 9:37pm -
A little young for a shave I think (Michael did it to him, don't worry). http://twitpic.com/214hr8

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